
Can we forget Foucault? Obscenity and the politics of seduction narrated by Oskar Gordon

Dialogues around Artificial Intelligence, sex and psychoanalysis

yoica ac, mexico

Psychotic Politics Symposium 

Royal Institute of CInema theatre and sound, Brussels (Vimeo Password: AVKunstenplatform)

Psychoanalysis and Revolution symposium 

Hosted by Daniel tutt of Study Groups on PSychoanalysis and Politics 

Summer of love: Ai Just wanna have Fun

Warwick Centre for Digital Inquiry: In conversation with Alfie Bown

Philosophy Instrumentals EPISODE 27: tHE psYCHOANALYSIS OF ai

In conversation with Artin Salimi

Virtual Enjoyment: The DOrmant office Lectures

Introduction to patipolitics

The Art of Brian David Downs: A Discussion with Jake Chapman

Schizotopia Podcast

CAn't get you out of my head: POwer Politics and the films of Adam Curtis

The University of Otago

Psychoanalysis and Artificial Intelligence: The International Psychoanalytic University Berlin

In conversation with Dr Leon Brenner

Postcapitalist desire: Mark Fisher the final lectures

In conversation with Matt Colquhoun

Pleasuring Freud Symposium The Drouth and Glasgow School of Art

Time and Taboo: Death Drive in Outer Space

Rendering Unconscious interview with Vanessa Sinclair

Sexbots, Psychoanalysis and AI

Sexbots Are We Ready? OLd Street Gallery

The Psychoanalysis of Sexbots

The Courtauld Institute of Art, Imagining the Apocalypse Conference

Kant avec Sade, The Apocalypse of Sex

The American University of Paris, The Psychology of Global Crisis Conference

Coronavirus and the Body: A Crisis of Jouissance

The Freud Museum, Psychoanalysis and Comedy Conference

Laughter and Castration

London Society of the New Lacanian School , The Laboratory for Lacanian Politics     

Baudrillard and The Ecstacy of Communication                                                                

London Society of the New Lacanian School, The Laboratory for Lacanian Politics                                              

Jacques Alain Miller’s ‘A Fantasy’: Revisited